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Main.cpp File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "CompressMan.hpp"
#include "VPathExprMan.hpp"
#include "Input.hpp"
#include "CurPath.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MAGIC_KEY   0x5e3d29e


MemStreamer tmpmem (5)
MemStreamer mainmem (1000)
MemStreamer blockmem (1000)
void PrintUsage (char showmoreoptions)
int HandleAllOptions (char **argv, int argc)
char AskOverwriteFile (char *file)
void HandleSingleFile (char *file)
void HandleFileArg (char *filepattern)
int main (int argc, char **argv)


CurPath curpath
LabelDict globallabeldict
VPathExprMan pathexprman
char usestdout
char no_output
char globalfullwhitespacescompress
char verbose
char output_initialized
char delete_inputfiles
unsigned long memory_cutoff
char overwrite_files
char skip_all_files

Define Documentation

#define MAGIC_KEY   0x5e3d29e

Definition at line 64 of file Main.cpp.

Function Documentation

char AskOverwriteFile char *    file

Definition at line 165 of file Main.cpp.

00170 {
00171    int c;
00173    if((!FileExists(file))||(overwrite_files))
00174       // If the file doesn't exist or we automatically overwrite it,
00175       // then we can simply return true
00176       return 1;
00178    printf("Overwrite file %s ? (Y(es) | N(o) | A(ll) | Q(uit)) ",file);
00180    // We wait until the user presses 'y', 'n', 'q', or 'a'
00181    do
00182    {
00183 #ifdef WIN32
00184       c=_getch();
00185       printf("\n");
00186 #else
00187       c=getchar();
00188 #endif
00189       switch(toupper(c))
00190       {
00191       case 'Y':   return 1;
00192       case 'N':   return 0;
00193       case 'Q':   skip_all_files=1;return 0;
00194       case 'A':   overwrite_files=1;return 1;
00195       }
00196    }
00197    while(1);
00198 }

int HandleAllOptions char **    argv,
int    argc

Definition at line 430 of file Options.cpp.

00434 {
00435    char  *option;
00436    int   len;
00438    InitArguments(argv,argc);
00440    while((option=GetNextArgument(&len))!=NULL)
00441    {
00442       if(*option!='-')
00443          break;
00445       SkipArgumentString(1);
00446       option++;
00448       InterpretOptionString(option);
00449    }
00451    return curargidx;
00452 }

void HandleFileArg char *    filepattern

Definition at line 294 of file Main.cpp.

00299 {
00300    char        fullpath[400];
00301 #ifdef WIN32
00302    _finddata_t finddata;
00303    long        handle;
00304    char        *ptr;
00305    int         fullpathlen;
00307    // Let's check if we have any meta characters '*' or '?' ?
00308    // We don't have them, we go directly to 'HandleSingleFile'
00310    ptr=filepattern;
00311    while(*ptr!=0)
00312    {
00313       if((*ptr=='*')||(*ptr=='?'))
00314          break;
00315       ptr++;
00316    }
00318    if(*ptr==0) // We didn't find any metacharacter?
00319                // The file name gets directly forwarded to HandleSingleFile
00320    {
00321       strcpy(fullpath,filepattern);
00322       HandleSingleFile(fullpath);
00323       return;
00324    }
00325    // Otherwise, we apply functions '_findfirst' and '_findnext'
00327    // We scan from the back of the file name and look
00328    // for a separator
00329    ptr=filepattern+strlen(filepattern)-1;
00331    while(ptr>=filepattern)
00332    {
00333       if((*ptr=='\\')||(*ptr=='/'))
00334          break;
00335       ptr--;
00336    }
00338    if(ptr<filepattern)   // We didn't find a separator ?
00339    {
00340       // The file path is empty
00341       *fullpath=0;
00342       fullpathlen=0;
00343    }
00344    else
00345    {
00346       // We the path part from the file pattern including
00347       // the separator that we found
00348       memcpy(fullpath,filepattern,ptr-filepattern+1);
00349       fullpath[ptr-filepattern+1]=0;
00350       fullpathlen=ptr-filepattern+1;
00351    }
00353    // Let's now look for the file
00354    handle=_findfirst(filepattern,&finddata);
00355    if(handle==-1)
00356    {
00357       printf("Could not find %s!\n",filepattern);
00358       return;
00359    }
00361    do
00362    {
00363       // We concatenate the file name to the path
00364       strcpy(fullpath+fullpathlen,;
00366       HandleSingleFile(fullpath);
00367       if(skip_all_files)
00368          break;
00370       if(_findnext(handle,&finddata)!=0)
00371          break;
00372    }
00373    while(1);
00375    _findclose(handle);
00376 #else
00378    // In UNIX, the file name expansion is done by the shell
00379    // ==> We only need to look at the specific file
00380    strcpy(fullpath,filepattern);
00381    HandleSingleFile(fullpath);
00382 #endif
00383 }

void HandleSingleFile char *    file

Definition at line 200 of file Main.cpp.

00204 {
00205    int len=strlen(file);
00206    char  *outfilename=file+len+5;
00207       // We use the space after the input file 
00208       // and leave a little bit of space for possible extension '.xmi' or '.xm'
00210    strcpy(outfilename,file);
00212    try{
00214 #ifdef XMILL
00215    // For the compressor, we replace ending '.xml' with '.xmi'
00216    // Or, if there is no ending '.xml', we replace by '.xm'
00218    if((len>=4)&&(strcmp(file+len-4,".xml")==0))
00219       strcpy(outfilename+len-4,".xmi");
00220    else
00221       strcat(outfilename,".xm");
00223    Compress(file,usestdout ? NULL : outfilename);
00225 #ifdef PROFILE
00226    if(verbose)
00227       globallabeldict.PrintProfile();
00228 #endif
00230 #endif
00232 #ifdef XDEMILL
00233    // For decompression, we omit ending '.xm' or replace
00234    // ending '.xmi' with '.xml'
00235    if((len>=3)&&(strcmp(file+len-3,".xm")==0))
00236       // Do we have ending '.xm' ?
00237    {
00238       outfilename[len-3]=0;   // We eliminate the ending in the out file name
00239       Uncompress(file,usestdout ? NULL : outfilename);
00240    }
00241    else
00242    {
00243       // We replace '.xmi' by '.xml'
00244       if((len>=4)&&(strcmp(file+len-4,".xmi")==0))
00245       {
00246          strcpy(outfilename+len-4,".xml");
00247          Uncompress(file,usestdout ? NULL : outfilename);
00248       }
00249       else
00250       {
00251          // Otherwise, we assume the user specified the *uncompressed*
00252          // file and we try to either replace '.xml' by '.xmi'
00253          // or append '.xm'.
00255          if((len>=4)&&(strcmp(file+len-4,".xml")==0))
00256          {
00257             strcpy(file+len-4,".xmi");
00258             if(FileExists(file))
00259             {
00260                Uncompress(file,usestdout ? NULL : outfilename);
00261                return;
00262             }
00263             strcpy(file+len-4,".xml");
00264          }
00266          // Let's try to append '.xm'
00267          strcpy(file+len,".xm");
00269          if(FileExists(file)==0)
00270          {
00271             strcpy(file+len,"");
00272             Error("Could not find file '");
00273             ErrorCont(file);
00274             ErrorCont("' with extension '.xm'!");
00275             PrintErrorMsg();
00276             return;
00277          }
00278          Uncompress(file,usestdout ? NULL : outfilename);
00279          return;
00280       }
00281    }
00282 #endif
00283    }
00284    catch(XMillException *)
00285       // An error occurred
00286    {
00287       Error("Error in file '");
00288       ErrorCont(file);
00289       ErrorCont("':");
00290       PrintErrorMsg();
00291    }
00292 }

void PrintUsage char    showmoreoptions

Definition at line 457 of file Options.cpp.

00458 {
00459    printf("XMill 0.7 (30 Nov 99) - a compressor for XML\n");
00460    printf("Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Labs Research\n");
00462 #ifdef XMILL
00464    if(showmoreoptions==0)
00465       printf("\nUsage:\n\n  xmill [-i file] [-v] [-p path] [-m num] [-1..9] [-c] [-d] [-r] [-w] [-h] file ...\n\n");
00466    else
00467    {
00468       printf("\nUsage:\n\n  xmill [-i file] [-v] [-p path] [-m num] [-1..9] [-c] [-d] [-r] [-w] [-h]\n");
00469       printf("        [-w(i|g|t)] [-l(i|g|t)] [-r(i|g|t)] [-a(i|g)] [-n(c|t|p|d)]  file ...\n\n");
00470    }
00472    printf(" -i file  - include options from file\n");
00473    printf(" -v       - verbose mode\n");
00474    printf(" -p path  - define path expression\n");
00475    printf(" -m num   - set memory limit\n");
00476    printf(" -1..9    - set the compression factor of zlib (default=6)\n");
00477 //   printf(" -t       - test mode (no output)\n");
00478    printf(" -c       - write on standard output\n");
00479 //   printf(" -k       - keep original files unchanged (default)\n");
00480    printf(" -d       - delete input files\n");
00481    printf(" -f       - force overwrite of output files\n");
00482    printf(" -w       - preserve white spaces\n");
00483    printf(" -h       - show extended white space options and user compressors\n");
00485    if(showmoreoptions)
00486    {
00487       printf("\n  Extended options:\n\n");
00488       printf("    -wi      - ignore complete white spaces (default)\n");
00489       printf("    -wg      - store complete white spaces in global container\n");
00490       printf("    -wt      - store complete white spaces as normal text\n");
00491       printf("    -li      - ignore left white spaces (default)\n");
00492       printf("    -lg      - store left white spaces in global container\n");
00493       printf("    -lt      - store left white spaces as normal text\n");
00494       printf("    -ri      - ignore right white spaces (default)\n");
00495       printf("    -rg      - store right white spaces in global container\n");
00496       printf("    -rt      - store right white spaces as normal text\n");
00497       printf("    -ai      - ignore attribute white spaces (default)\n");
00498       printf("    -ag      - store attribute white spaces in global container\n");
00499       printf("\n");
00500       printf("    -nc      - ignore comments\n");
00501       printf("    -nt      - ignore DOCTYPE sections\n");
00502       printf("    -np      - ignore PI sections\n");
00503       printf("    -nd      - ignore CDATA sections\n");
00504       printf("\n");
00505       printf("\n  User compressors:\n\n");
00506       compressman.PrintCompressorInfo();
00507    }
00508 #endif
00510 #ifdef XDEMILL
00511    printf("Usage:\n\n\t xdemill [-i file] [-v] [-c] [-d] [-r] [-os num] [-ot] [-oz] [-od] [-ou] file ...\n\n");
00512    printf(" -i file  - include options from file\n");
00513    printf(" -v       - verbose mode\n");
00514    printf(" -c       - write on standard output\n");
00515 //   printf(" -k       - keep original files unchanged\n");
00516    printf(" -d       - delete input files\n");
00517    printf(" -f       - force overwrite of output files\n");
00518 //   printf(" -t       - test mode (no output)\n");
00519    printf(" -os num  - output formatted XML with space intentation\n");
00520    printf(" -ot      - output formatted XML with tabular intentation\n");
00521    printf(" -oz      - output unformatted XML (without white spaces)\n");
00522 #ifdef WIN32
00523    printf(" -od      - uses DOS newline convention (default)\n");
00524    printf(" -ou      - uses UNIX newline convention\n");
00525 #else
00526    printf(" -od      - uses DOS newline convention\n");
00527    printf(" -ou      - uses UNIX newline convention (default)\n");
00528 #endif
00529 //   printf(" -ow num     - wrap XML output after specified number of characters\n");
00530 #endif
00531 }

MemStreamer blockmem 1000   

int main int    argc,
char **    argv

Definition at line 391 of file Main.cpp.

00393 {
00394    int fileidx;
00396    // We set the default file mode to 'binary'
00397 #ifdef WIN32
00398    _fmode=_O_BINARY;
00399 #endif
00401    if(argc==1) // No arguments for the program?
00402    {
00403       PrintUsage(0);
00404       return 0;
00405    }
00407 #ifdef XMILL
00408    else
00409    {
00410       if((argc==2)&&(strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0))
00411          // Is there is exactly on argument '-h' ?
00412       {
00413          PrintUsage(1);
00414          return 0;
00415       }
00416    }
00417 #endif
00419    // Now we start the heavy work!
00421    try{
00423    globallabeldict.Init(); // Initialized the label dictionary
00425 #ifdef XMILL
00426    // Initializes the FSM structures.
00427    // It creates two labels '#' and '@#'
00428    FSMInit();
00431 extern void InitForwardDataGuide();
00433    InitForwardDataGuide();
00434 #endif
00436 #endif
00438    // Parse options
00439    fileidx=HandleAllOptions(argv+1,argc-1)+1;
00441 #ifdef XMILL
00442    // In the compressor, we append two default paths: '//#' and '/'
00443    // to take care of all paths
00444    char *pathptr="//#";
00445    pathexprman.AddNewVPathExpr(pathptr,pathptr+strlen(pathptr));
00446    pathptr="/";
00447    pathexprman.AddNewVPathExpr(pathptr,pathptr+strlen(pathptr));
00449    globallabeldict.FinishedPredefinedLabels();
00450       // We remember which labels are predefined (i.e. labels defined through FSMs)
00451       // All labels that are inserted later will be eliminated
00452       // between two parses of two input files.
00454    pathexprman.InitWhitespaceHandling();
00455       // If the default white space handling for the path expression
00456       // is the global setting, then we replace that reference
00457       // by the global default value.
00458       // This is done after all options are parsed,
00459       // since the global white space options could come *after*
00460       // the path expressions have been inserted.
00461 #endif
00463    // Are there no arguments except options?
00464    if(fileidx>=argc)
00465    {
00466       if(usestdout)  // Did the user specify '-c' for using 'stdout'?
00467       {
00468 #ifdef XMILL
00469          Compress(NULL,NULL);
00470 #endif
00471 #ifdef XDEMILL
00472          Uncompress(NULL,NULL);
00473 #endif
00474          return 0;
00475       }
00476       else
00477       {
00478          Error("No input file specified! Specify '-c' to use stdin/stdout");
00479          Exit();
00480       }
00481    }
00483    }
00484    catch(XMillException *)
00485       // An error occurred
00486    {
00487       return -1;
00488    }
00490    // Let's look at all files
00491    do
00492    {
00493       HandleFileArg(argv[fileidx]);
00494       if(skip_all_files)
00495          break;
00496       fileidx++;
00497    }
00498    while(fileidx<argc);
00500    return 0;
00501 }

MemStreamer mainmem 1000   

MemStreamer tmpmem  

Variable Documentation

CurPath curpath

Definition at line 68 of file Main.cpp.

char delete_inputfiles

Definition at line 126 of file Main.cpp.

char globalfullwhitespacescompress

Definition at line 123 of file Main.cpp.

LabelDict globallabeldict

Definition at line 69 of file Main.cpp.

unsigned long memory_cutoff

Definition at line 127 of file Main.cpp.

char no_output

Definition at line 119 of file Main.cpp.

char output_initialized

Definition at line 125 of file Main.cpp.

char overwrite_files

Definition at line 162 of file Main.cpp.

VPathExprMan pathexprman

Definition at line 71 of file Main.cpp.

char skip_all_files

Definition at line 163 of file Main.cpp.

char usestdout

Definition at line 118 of file Main.cpp.

char verbose

Definition at line 124 of file Main.cpp.

Generated on Sat Oct 13 16:08:49 2001 for XMILL by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001