My office is in the spectacular Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering Room 309. The easiest way to find Gates Center 309 (aka CSE2 309) is to take one of the two side-by-side elevators to the third floor, turn left out of the elevator, then turn left again.
I have a free programming-languages course on Coursera
Materials I have packaged for others to use and adapt
Current Advisees:
Ph.D. Graduates and Their Dissertations:
My primary research area is programming languages, encompassing theory, implementation, and design. However, I have collaborated broadly, with applications in computer architecture, software engineering, large-scale data processing, and computational fabrication.
For specific work, see publications and presentations
Some of my older projects are on other, sometimes outdated-but-preserved-for-posterity group pages: Sampa group, older plse page, even older WASP page.
I use my Facebook page regularly — if I have met you (including students, colleagues, etc.), please feel free to send me a friend request. My Twitter is mostly puns with occasional substance.
I joined UW CSE longer ago than 82 of 98 (84%) other current faculty members (reflecting arrivals/departures through December 2024).
A nice alumni-profile write-up of me from my undergraduate institution, March 2017, unpacks a few of the random events that led to where I am.
My academic genealogy:
me | Greg Morrisett / \ Robert Harper Jeannette Wing | | Robert Constable John Guttag | | Stephen Kleene Jim Horning | | Alonzo Church Jerome Feldman | | \ Alan Perlis \ | \ Philip Franklin \ / Oswald Veblen | E.H. Moore | H.A. Newton | Michael Chasles | Simeon Poisson / \ Joseph Lagrange Pierre-Simon Laplace | | Leonhard Euler Jean Le Rond d'Alembert | Johann Bernoulli | Jacob Bernoulli | Nicolas Malebranche | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Last updated: January 2025