Useful / fun links

Stochastic computing
SAYEH educational processor
One instruction set computer
Academic job search resources on Alireza Tabatabaeenejad's website
Mehrzad Samadi's collection of programming questions
Chess (♔♚♕♛) endgame practice
Chess problems of 1001 years ago
Al-Suli's diamond
Chinese chess (象棋) endgame database
A nice tutorial page for Go (圍棋)
An interesting paper on Chinese dark chess (半棋)
Arimaa! Intuitively simple, intellectually challening
American Contract Bridge League's great tutorial software. (Highly recommended! ♠♥♦♣)

About the picture

The colorful picture above refers to a story (461st night) from Shahrazad's One Thousand and One Nights.

One of my best chess games

A double knight sacrifice (and then bringing down a bishop and a knight with one rook):

Last update: February 2018