the Poison Elves Concordance (D)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *

the second Step. An Elvin Forge whose fires have died (8).

a race of Humans which live incredibly long lives (5).

Vido's moustached right-hand man (2).

the Dark
evil beings which created the Trolls (8).

Dark Troll
the original breed of Troll. 10-15 feet tall and very rare (9).

the Dark Wars
the name for the Troll-Elvin wars, which lasted 900-1000 years and ended with the War of the Desert (in the Kesh) (9).

the Dead Swamp
the location of Carlblagh-Uin. Part of the Troll realm in the Dark Wars (8).

an evil race. the Unholy?

the Demon's Elf
the Brother's name for Lusiphur. Refers to his role in the summoning of Six-Tell Amlah (12,16).

powerful demons such as Six-Tell Amlah and Three-dog Nalfashnee. There are twelve of them (11).

a Sanctuary Thief with a long-running infatuation with Cassy (6).

Dendwar's Bane
a Poison which affects Elves worse than others. It can put them in a Coma for up to an hour (5).

a town near Blackwood. Luse hunted Jace here once on a bet (1). Jace worked here as a guard for some time after he and Luse split up (7).

Anton Hazelwood Crumb's remembrance of Dendrin's name (16).

Desert Horse
a Camel (13).

part of the Palasach nobility; known to have killed a few Trolls in his day (7).

Dienchau Island Prison
current location of Strider and Sapphire (18).

a literary character of humorous merit. e.g. the Adventures of Dingo (10).

name bestowed on Maha by Luse (13).

doesn't affect elves (8).

plural for Djinni (13).

Undine spirits of light and all things of light. One of the two types of `Genie'. Three wishes is the standard reward for freeing one without malice, and Djinn are bound to this world until they are granted (13).

a poorly twisted Elf. They can read memories to find a shape which would be beneficial for them to transform to (9). Their corpses have magical value (11).

a district in east Mandratha (3).

Dr. Neil Clarkston
the young doctor to whom Luse sold Ed's body (3). Present at Lady Belle Sinclaire's party (7). Still thinks of Luse (18).

fire-breathing creatues that are as big as a castle, have a wingspan equal to ten galleons, fangs as long as a man is tall, scales as thick as a man's arm is long, and a barbed tail. Dragons have not fought in Amrahly'nn in hundreds of years (15). Fled north to the frozen parts after the Dark Wars (9).

a smaller, lizard-like cousin of the Dragon. They tear apart their prey like a shark would (15).

the Dream Seller
a figure who lives by selling people dreams and stealing their souls while they're in the midst of them (8).

Dre Carshea
the fifth Step. Near Kemsdale Fields (18).

the Dreaming
a part of the mind whose temptations must be ignored (8).

Drew Hayes.

Drew Hayes
creator of Poison Elves.

twisted versions of Elves created to guard the forests. `Watchers of the Wood.' (8).

One of Vido's Blood Guard. Duke Hartford or Jacob Duke Grant, depending on whether you trust the press (16,27).

Duke Hartford
a member of Vido's Blood Guard (16,27).

excellent blacksmiths and makers of swords (2). Mortal in that they die of old age and are not immune to man's diseases (2,9). Created by the Trolls in a failed experiment. They were carved of rock, but turned out to hate Trolls. They served for some time as slaves of the Trolls in Forges and mines, but gained their freedom during the Dark Wars. In the world of Humans they are tax-exempt. There are few in the real world due to the sealing off of Shae-Dresgin (9).

of or pertaining to the race of Dwarves.

an explosive which Luse carries with him (15).