Professor Oren Etzioni
Director of the
Turing Center
most cited papers
Recent papers are available at the
Turing Center Publications Page
Papers published
before 2004
are available below:
Automatically Personalizing User Interfaces
(IJCAI 2003)
Mangrove: Enticing Ordinary People onto the Semantic Web via Instant Gratification
(ISWC 2003)
Semantic Email: Adding Lightweight Data Manipulation Capabilities to the Email Habitat
(WebDB 2003)
To Buy or Not To Buy: Mining Airfare Data to Minimize Ticket Purchase Price
(KDD 2003)
A Reliable Natural Language Interface to Household Appliances
(IUI 2003)
Towards a theory of natural language interfaces to databases
(IUI 2003)
Crossing the Structure Chasm
(CIDR 2003)
Scaling question answering to the Web
(WWW 2001)
Query Routing for Web Search Engines: Architecture and Experiments
(WWW 2000)
Adaptive Web Sites: Conceptual Cluster Mining
(IJCAI 1999)
Towards Adaptive Web Sites: Conceptual Framework and Case Study
(WWW 1999)
Adaptive Web Sites: Automatically Synthesizing Web Pages
(AAAI 1998)
Adaptive Web Sites: an AI challenge
(IJCAI 1997)
A Scalable Comparison-Shopping Agent for the World-Wide Web
(Autonomous Agents 1997)
Dynamic Reference Sifting: a Case Study in the Homepage Domain
(Runner-up for Best Paper, WWW 1997)
The MetaCrawler Architecture for Resource Aggregation on the Web
IEEE Expert
, 12(1):8-14, 1997
Sound and Efficient Closed-World Reasoning for Planning
Artificial Intelligence
, 89(1-2):113-148, 1997
Moving up the information food chain: deploying softbots on the Web
(AAAI 1996)
Efficient Information Gathering on the Internet
(FOCS 1996)
The World Wide Web: quagmire or gold mine?
Communications of the ACM
, 39(11):65-68, 1996
Learning to understand information on the Internet
(IJCAI 1995)
A sound and fast goal recognizer
(IJCAI 1995)
Multi-Service Search and Comparison Using the MetaCrawler
] (WWW 1995)
Intelligent Agents on the Internet: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast
IEEE Expert
, 44-49, August 1995
The softbot approach to OS interfaces
IEEE Software
, 12(4):42-51, 1995
The First Law of Robotics
(AAAI 1994)
Omnipotence without omniscience: Sensor management in planning
(AAAI 1994)
Learning decision lists using homogeneous rules
(AAAI 1994)
Tractable closed-world reasoning with updates
(KR 1994)
A Softbot-based interface to the internet
Communications of the ACM
, 72-76, July 1994
Representation design and brute-force induction in a Boeing manufacturing domain
Applied Artificial Intelligence
, 8(1):125-147, 1994
Statistical methods for analyzing speedup learning experiments
Machine Learning
, 14(3):333-347, 1994 Technical Note
Intelligence without Robots (A Reply to Brooks)
AI Magazine
, 14(4), December 1993
Acquiring search-control knowledge via static analysis
Artificial Intelligence
, 62(2):255-302, 1993
A structural theory of explanation-based learning
Artificial Intelligence
, 60(1):93-140, 1993