Complete List of Publications and Talks

  1. On the hardness of cloning and connections to representation theory
    Vojtěch Havlíček and Chinmay Nirkhe.
    [arXiv:2411.11805] [Talks/Slides]
  2. The status of the quantum PCP conjecture (games version)
    Anand Natarajan and Chinmay Nirkhe.
    [arXiv:2403.13084] [Talks/Slides]
  3. A distribution testing oracle separation between QMA and QCMA
    Anand Natarajan and Chinmay Nirkhe.
    QIP 2024. CCC 2023. Quantum 2023.
    [arXiv:2210.15380] [Proceedings Version] [Notes] [Talks/Slides]
  4. NLTS Hamiltonians from good quantum codes
    Anurag Anshu, Nikolas Breuckmann, and Chinmay Nirkhe.
    QIP 2023 (Plenary Talk). CCC 2023 (Invited Talk).
    [arXiv:2206.13228] [News Article] [Simons Institute Blog Post] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]
  5. The parametrized complexity of quantum verification
    Srinivasan Arunachalam, Sergey Bravyi, Chinmay Nirkhe, and Bryan O'Gorman.
    TQC 2022.
    [arXiv:2202.08119] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]
  6. Quantum search-to-decision and the state synthesis problem
    Sandy Irani, Anand Natarajan, Chinmay Nirkhe, Sujit Rao, and Henry Yuen.
    QIP 2022. CCC 2022.
    [arXiv:2111.02999] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]
  7. Circuit lower bounds for low-energy states of quantum code Hamiltonians
    Anurag Anshu and Chinmay Nirkhe.
    ITCS 2022. QIP 2021. Theory of Computing 2022.
    [arXiv:2011.02044] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]
  8. Good approximate quantum LDPC codes from spacetime circuit Hamiltonians
    Thom Bohdanowicz, Elizabeth Crosson, Chinmay Nirkhe, and Henry Yuen.
    STOC 2019. QIP 2019. QEC 2019 (Invited talk).
    [arXiv:1811.00277] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]
  9. On the complexity and verification of random circuit sampling
    Adam Bouland, Bill Fefferman, Chinmay Nirkhe, and Umesh Vazirani.
    Nature Physics 2018. ITCS 2019. QIP 2019.
    [arXiv:1803.04402] [Journal Version] [News Article] [Notes] [Talks/Slides]
  10. Approximate low-weight check codes and circuit lower bounds for noisy ground states
    Chinmay Nirkhe, Umesh Vazirani, and Henry Yuen.
    ICALP 2018. TQC 2018.
    [arXiv:1802.07419] [Proceedings Version] [Talks/Slides]

Other Talks

  1. "Quantum Codes in Quantum Complexity" at Simons Institute Error Correcting Codes Bootcamp. January 2024. (slides | video)
  2. Making the leap to Quantum PCPs
    1. "Mathematical [...] Challenges in Quantum Computing" workshop at IPAM UCLA. November 2023. (video)
    2. "Frontiers of near-term quantum computing" workshop at Chalmers University of Technology. August 2023.
    3. "Locality and Complexity in Quantum Thermal Equilibrium" workshop at Harvard University. August 2023.
    4. Simons Institute Summer Cluster 2023. July 2023. (slides | video)

Short Notes

  1. The W1 state is the unique ground-state of a local Hamiltonian.
  2. Brandao-Harrow limitation beyond 2-local Hamiltonians. With Anurag Anshu.